Daniel Prince

About Me

Advent Online Marketing is owned and operated by yours truly -  Daniel Prince, a 21-year-old resident of Whittier, CA.

I have studied Internet Marketing for almost a year, having learned from some of the top marketers in the field. Learning from them has taught me how to use the avenues I refer to on my 'Services' page to effectively drive traffic to my pages. Because I really enjoy helping people, my goal is to use my skills for the benefit of small business owners who are striving to succeed in today's struggling economy.

I place a high value on honesty and integrity, holding to those values at all times. People know me for my strong work ethic, kindness, responsibility, keen sense of humor, and taste for bean burritos with lots of cheese. :)

Contact me today so I can help your business to thrive!

Located in Whittier, CA 90605
Voice Mail: (206) 339-9244
E-mail: [email protected]